Tuesday, February 23, 2010

No Winning Entry

Currently, we've been unable to find a suitable entry to win our contest. Which for me, is alright. Its very early in the birth of this blog, so I don't mind too much!

However, I will be hosting another contest, on this blog, and several of my others. The concept of this contest is 'horror' theme. Here are the ground rules; they aren't set in stone, I'm just developing them for use.

-$0 Budget. You must only use those things which you can find around your home easily enough.

-Horror Genre.

-5 Min Max.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Acting Job

Okay, nevermind. Confirmed it. Apply here for Pirates 4.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Anyone got any more info about this? Supposedly, the company that I advertise is looking to fill some roles for this movie.

Click the Explore Talent ads for more information!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sick this Weekend

Hey People!

Sorry I didn't post over the weekend, I was personally very sick since I got home from Ft Gordon last week. I think that the new strain of...well, they said it was Swine Flu, but it certainly made me very sick. I'm recovering well now.

I will post some more job ads as I get information about them. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Acting Advice

One of the biggest tasks in acting, is producing tears on stage. Of course, if your the perfection of the artist, then you should be able to deliver. If your focused on the perfection of the art, you may actually find trouble doing this.

But generally, I tend to think most actors, and artists in general perfect the artists, which will in turn perfect the art. But they should be able to delve into their roles and feel a personal connection with them.

If you can't, then draw up on heartbreak, put yourself in that situation. Then add elements of self-pity, like how you were doing your best. Then, focus on something else that someone did near the same time that made you all emo. Then bam, you should be a crying lil whiney biatch in no time.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Define Yourself

Alway define your roles, but never let your roles define you. Stand out and make great performances. Then take risks.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ipad Commercial Acting Opportunity

I've got a great new opportunity for Actors/Actresses in the South East. Ipad commercials are now being shot. Here is your contact.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Value of Roleplay

If you aren't familiar with the term, it is the essence of acting. Taking yourself out of the equasion and pretending to be someone else.

If you aren't familiar, there are a series of games, called Role-Playing Games, that help you do this. They are systemic, and very orderly, but the opportunities to practice your craft are endless. Plus, its fun!

So pick up a copy of Dungeons and Dragons today!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Value of a Body of Work

Okay, so I was reading an actress' blog. I wont tell you which one, mostly because I forget her name. But she is on the office, if that matters.

But her best advice, is that your first priority, in year one of your acting career, shouldn't be to seek out an agent, or to be searching for the great gigs or even paying gigs. Your first job should be to build a body of work. She says that her total income in her first year of acting was about $100.

So keep that in mind. Sometimes its more important to expand your craft, than it is to jump right into a role and try to get paid.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Charity

So my friends and I are looking to start a new charity. I've already begun to contact some lawyers and look up the rules and groundwork for creating a 501c(3) Nonprofit Corporation. My goal is, as soon as possible, to have the entity created, so that we can begin work.

So what is the goal of the charity itself? To preserve/protect the cultural landmark that is the Rufus M. Rose House, to provide some Job Opportunities in Atlanta, and after several 'cultural' landmarks have been met, proceeds from operations will be donated to Atlanta-area Homeless Shelters and Food Banks.

What are some of our Cultural Landmarks?

-To recoup the $240 cost of the production of the first Rufus Rose Short Film. This will give us resource and capability to begin planning to remake the film. You can see the film here.

-To setup a website to increase cultural awareness of the Rose House, and support my own blog about Atlanta Ghosthunting.

-To eventually buy/lease the Rufus M. Rose house, restore it, and commercialize it. This will include turning it into a small gift-shop with maybe kitchen/bar, a living museum (like it was in the 1950s) where people can stay in rooms remodelled to look like they were at the turn of the century. Add on to this a walking tour of Peachtree Street concentrating on the fun and paranormal sites in the city; and it should do well to produce jobs as well as profit, which as I explained earlier, will be donated to charity.

How can you support us?

-Staff. We need volunteers in the Atlanta Area who are willing to help us. Specifically those who are proficient in how to set up a charity organization. But also, AV people and internet marketers. If you would like to contribute, Email Me.

-Donations. Unfortunately, as we do not have a 501c3 setup yet, we can't provide donation receipts. However, we are still accepting donations from the community, 100% of this will go into legal fees to form our 501c(3) Corporation.

-Spread the word. Tell someone about this blog, or better yet, about the movie! As more info becomes available, I'll update it here! Thanks so much!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Inspiration & Contest

Today I have both a usual quote for inspiration for you guys, and a contest. The contest will be closed on Friday February 5th, 2009. The winner shall be determined over the weekend and will know by the end of the week.

'Reclining on the moss, replete and exquisitely sleepy, he argued, "Put your head on my shoulder." ' -Cass Timberlane by Sinclair Lewis

Take a few minutes and reflect on this. There are no meanings to this.

But what I want you to do, as an actor, is imagine how to best say this line while remaining 'replete and exquisitely sleepy'. Reflect on this.

Then I want you to make your vest video interpretation of this line, and send it to my email. It doesn't have to be professional (lord knows my projects aren't):


I will select the person with the best response to this line, in my own opinion, and they shall be offered a free 1957 copy of the book. Subject of email should read: Sleepy Contest

As always though, take a look at my film.

Videos, when sent to me, shall become my property, and could possibly be used on this website.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Had there been in White Fang's nature any possibility, no matter how remote, of his ever comign to fraternize with hiw own kind, such possibility was irretrievably destroyed when he was made leader of the sled-team." -White Fange, Part IV, Chapter I

What does it mean to be leader of the pack? Often times, you will be alienated by your success, whether you like it or not.

Is it worth it, to win? To get those roles?

As always, try taking a look at my movie.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Modelling Question

I've got an interesting question for you guys out there in Internet Lala-land.

Keep in mind, that althought Im young, (on the older crust of Generation Y) Im definately tech saavy.

Well, recently, I've been approached by my mother, and we've discussed representing one of my younger cousins as a model. I've been representing artists and entertainers for about a year now, and it would still be several years before this became a possibility.

However, my time in the Military, provided with other factors, have made me a little resistant. Im unsure if I want to represent a member of my family as a model. Im unsure of what thoughts I have about modelling.

What are your opinions? Would you want your sister or niece to be a model? Do you think, like some cultures (ie Arab, some Asian), that this is similiar to prostitution in many ways? I see it as a two-fold path, many models go on to be successful businesspeople who use their mind more than their bodies after the fact (Kathy Ireland). However, there are still the stories of exploited girls, and the eventual stereotype that some models become self-obsessed cocaine-using exploitative narcissists.

Again, Im unsure what to do.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Looking for an Acting Job?

Interested in a role in new forthcoming movies, like the next Harry Potter or Twilight?

Casting Now

Monday, January 25, 2010

Acting a Foolishly

Okay, so this one is a bit of a short story. But I think one of the more important things about producing a film, of any budget, length, and seriousness, is that you have a strong director. He needs to be able to manage all of the people involved in the shoot, and it is to his vision that you must defer when making a film.

He must be involved, at every level of production. He must obtain quality footage and performances, he needs to make sure that actors understand their roles and the plot as a whole, and he needs to make sure that the editing goes smoothly to turn the raw footage into something enjoyable.

Of course, this mentality is learned, like all other things. My first production "Four Roses" had alot of flaws in it, but what I can say, is that it was a great learning experience for me and all those involved.

Want to see my movie?

Click Here

On Air Voice

So, what types of voice work do you like for narration? I'm looking for someone who might be interested in narrating a project for me. Looking for a female with a soothing/calming voice.


Okay, what are yall's opinions on doing pro-bono work for a project? Is that college-era only? Or is it still up in the air, depending upon the project and your situation?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Think Victorious

"The victorious warrior wins first, then seeks to go to war, while the defeated goes to war, and then seeks to win." -Sun Tzu


Guerilla Filmmaking Tips

Some of the best things you learn on the job. Always wait five seconds after 'action' before you begin your lines. Water the pavement to give it depth and perspective. For every hour of shooting, expect three hours in post.

Knowing this kinda stuff will make you a better actor, and a better director.

Want to see my Guerilla Shortfilm about Ghost-hunting?

Click Here!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guerilla Film-Making

Okay, one of the great ways to increase your skills as an actor, as well as to understand the directatorial and editorial processes, is to go about yourself in doing some guerilla film-making. What do I mean by this? Taking out a mini-cam, and trying to do your best to produce something someone might want to watch.

It also will help you to get your name out there, and maybe establish you a beginning fanbase. Thus, it's great self-promotion. ANd if you are good at it, then it might become a successful gig for you.

The best directions for guerilla film-making are to do things you are passionate about, and I would try to stay away from pure fiction. Instead focus on comedic skits or short documentaries. And while this will only be the start of the production/editing world, there is certainly a world of difference between an actor who knows nothing about editing and one who knows that he should give five seconds of quiet before starting his lines. Trust me on that one personally.

Want to see an example?

Take a look.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to Acting Out!

This blog is for those of you who dream about becoming an actor or screenwriter of some clout. I will introduce advice from the professionals, as well as information I have drawn from my own Guerilla Productions. For an example of what sort of things I've done, see my website, to your right.

Or you can view my latest movie:
